
Conga vista juego cartas
Conga vista juego cartas

conga vista juego cartas

Part III Ethnographic Essays 7 Kongo Traditions

conga vista juego cartas

Translated by Cary PeñateĦ The Conga.Part I Early Writings 1 The Future of Cuban Witchcraft Fernando Ortiz: Ideology and Praxis of the Founder of Afro-Cuban Studies.Classification: LCC ML207.C8 (ebook) | LCC ML207.C (print) | DDC 780.97291-dc23 LC record available at The paper used in this publication meets the requirements of the American National Standard for Information Sciences-Permanence of Paper for Printed Library Materials, ANSI Z39.48-1992 Printed in the United States of America 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 | Blacks-Cuba-Music-History and criticism. paper) Subjects: LCSH: Music-Cuba-History and criticism. | Series: Studies in Latin American and Caribbean music | Includes bibliographical references and index. Description: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania : Temple University Press, 2018. Title: Fernando Ortiz on music : selected writing on Afro-Cuban culture / edited and with an Introduction by Robin D. The image was taken on May 30, 1937, as part of the first public lecture and demonstration of Afro-Cuban religious drumming and dance in the Campoamor Theater entitled “The Sacred Music of Black Yorubas in Cuba.” (Images courtesy of María Fernanda Ortiz, representative of the Ortiz Successors, and edited by Judith Gutiérrez Ganzaraín.) Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Names: Ortiz, Fernando, 1881-1969, author.

#Conga vista juego cartas full

Back: The full original photograph includes batá drummer Jesús Pérez (far right), who also was present at this event. Front: A photograph of Fernando Ortiz together with batá drummers Aguedo Morales (left) and Pablo Roche (right).

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TEMPLE UNIVERSITY PRESS Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19122 Copyright © 2018 by Temple University-Of The Commonwealth System of Higher Education All rights reserved Published 2018 COVER IMAGES. Garcia, Arsenio Rodríguez and the Transnational Flows of Latin Popular Music Sergio Navarrete Pellicer, Maya Achi Marimba Music in Guatemala Peter Manuel, East Indian Music in the West Indies: Tân-Singing, Chutney, and the Making of Indo-Caribbean Culture María Teresa Vélez, Drumming for the Gods: The Life and Times of Felipe García Villamil, santero, palero, and abakuá Madrid, Sounds of the Modern Nation: Music, Culture, and Ideas in Post-Revolutionary Mexico Christopher Washburne, Sounding Salsa: Performing Popular Latin Dance Music in New York City David F. Sydney Hutchinson, ed., Salsa World: A Global Dance in Local Contexts Ketty Wong, Whose National Music? Identity, Mestizaje, and Migration in Ecuador Peter Manuel, ed., Creolizing Contradance in the Caribbean Cathy Ragland, Música Norteña: Mexican Migrants Creating a Nation between Nations Alejandro L. Studies in Latin American and Caribbean Music, edited by Peter Manuel ALSO IN THIS SERIES:

Conga vista juego cartas